Having problems with your garage door?
Garage Door Openers Near Me | Lombard, IL

Opener Broke Down?

We Can Repair Everything From The Drive System To The Motor

Garage Door Openers

Affordable Garage Door Opener | Lombard, IL

Let's All Work Together

Garage door openers use several parts at once to move your heavy garage door up and down. Most have a driver that typically uses a motor and a trolley. Chain drives, belt drives, and screw drives connect the trolley to the motor and push or pull the trolley along the track as needed. Direct drives house the motor within the trolley. Jackshafts, seen more often in commercial spaces, attach a motor to the torsion rods instead of using a trolley. Smaller versions of classic jackshafts are becoming more popular for residential use, but they present a few more safety issues when repair work is needed.

The Main Issues

Wear and tear on your garage door opener is inevitable, and is the main cause of repair issues. Chains and belts need maintenance to stay in proper working order for as long as possible, but even the best maintained ones will wear out eventually. A worn chain or belt can cause your door to move slowly, with a jerking motion, or sometimes not at all.  Screws also need inspection to make sure that the threads are aligned and not becoming too worn down from improper placement or years of use. Occasionally, the trolley can get knocked off the track. The motor, whether inside or outside the trolley, is an electrical component that can burn out for any number of reasons. A door operated by a jackshaft could see broken torsion rods or worn cables that need to be replaced by a professional. Let our technicians handle the repairs on your opener to ensure that your door is once again functioning safely.

Professionals You Can Trust

The decades of experience behind the technicians at Garage Door Repair Lombard provide you with the assurance that your garage door is being properly cared for. We carry a wide range of available models and can repair or replace any part of your opener. Call us today to schedule an appointment.

You can also count on us for:

Garage Door Safety Inspections

Genie & Liftmaster Opener Repairs

Torsion Spring Adjustment

Overhead Door Repair & Installation


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With our team at your service, your satisfaction is always guaranteed. You can count on our professionals for outstanding quality and perfect results!

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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

Select Date and time
Jan 17, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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